Student Wellbeing Officer at Lathlain Primary

The School Wellbeing program aims to build a school culture that support the mental, emotional, social, and intellectual development of children and the needs of their educators and caregivers.

Our School Wellbeing program can include:

  • Lunchtime and after-school activities
  • Support for grief and loss
  • Social awareness programs
  • Fun activities like student meals
  • Community fundraisers
  • Referrals: Counselling and family therapy/psychology
  • Advocacy and case management

Parents need to complete a School Wellbeing Officer referral form (available from the office) if they want their child to meet with the School Wellbeing Officer. Parents can also make an appointment to see the School Wellbeing Officer via the admin office.

Our School Wellbeing Officer is Debbie Hodson who will be working every Wednesday and Thursday.