Be You Lathlain Primary School 

Be You is a national mental health framework used in many school across Australia. It is supported by Beyond Blue, Early Childhood Australia and Headspace. Lathlain Primary school has been implementing this initiative since 2015 (previously known as KidsMatter). In 2018, the KidsMatter initiative was revised and renamed Be You. The adjusted framework enables staff to address the whole child and not just academics. Its aim is to develop a positive, inclusive and resilient school and community where each person can have their best mental health.

There are 5 major components to Be You;

  1. Mentally Healthy Communities
  2. Family Partnerships
  3. Learning Resilience
  4. Early Support
  5. Responding Together

The implementation of this framework is overseen by an active team consisting of teachers, education assistants, admin, school psychologist and parents. This team has access to many resources which support students and their families. A policy has been established that outlines the processes for Lathlain Primary to ensure consistency from Kindergarten to Year Six in providing opportunities to our students to be mentally healthy. Early intervention and positive parent partnerships are critical elements of Be You.

The Be You Action Team is currently chaired by our specialist Health Teacher, Miss Alessia Robinson, supported by our Deputy Principal Mrs Annette Miller. Our Be You Action Team meets twice a term in weeks 4 and 8.

Be You Policy