Online Services Permission Form

Dear parents,

Our school provides access to Department of Education online services.  These enhance the contemporary learning opportunities available to students and the range of teaching tools available to staff to deliver the Western Australian Curriculum.

Your permission is sought for your child to be given access to these online services.

The Department’s online services currently provide students with access to:

  • individual email and calendar accounts;
  • the internet, with all reasonable care taken by central office and schools to monitor and control students’ access to websites while at school;
  • online teaching and learning services such as Connect, web-conferencing and digital resources;
  • online file storage and sharing services; and
  • these online services at locations other than school.

"*" indicates required fields

I understand and agree that my child has responsibilities when using the online services provided at school for educational purposes, in accordance with the Acceptable Use Agreement for school students. I also understand that if my child breaks any of the rules in the agreement that the principal may take disciplinary action in accordance with the Department’s Student Behaviour Policy and Procedures.
Parent name*
Note: While every reasonable effort is made by schools and the Department of Education to prevent student exposure to inappropriate online content when using the Department’s Online Services, it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of such exposure. The Department cannot filter internet content accessed by your child from home or from other locations away from the school. The Department recommends the use of appropriate internet filtering software at home.
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