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Year 6 Kent Street Senior High School CoRE Resources Challenge


Dear Parents/Guardian of Rooms 18 and 19,

I am pleased to provide you with the following details regarding an upcoming excursion to be held at Kent Street Senior High School.

Kent Street Senior High School have invited the Year 6 students to participate in the 2021 CoRE Resources Challenge. Students from local primary schools will work in teams with secondary student mentors to engineer mining tunnels and apply their science inquiry skills to separate different types of materials.

Your child will be able to participate in the following:
Incursion Activity: Kent Street Senior High School CoRE Resources Challenge
Date of Incursion: Friday 17th September 2021
Time of Incursion: 8:50am – 3:00pm
Excursion cost:    No cost (Bus has been provided by Kent Street Senior High School)
Details of Incursion: Students will work in teams to engineer mining tunnels and apply their science inquiry skills to separate different types of materials.
Travel:                  Students will travel to Kent Street Senior High School with their teachers by bus.
What to wear:       School uniform; School hat
What to bring:      Recess and lunch (please ensure lunch boxes are named)
Water bottle (please ensure these are named)
Lunches will be placed in a tub and taken to the venue by staff. No bags will be taken to the event.

Photo permission: Photos may be taken by Kent Street SHS staff/students and local media throughout the day. These may be shared on the Kent Street Senior High School social media platforms and used for future promotions of the event.

Please complete the below permission form by Wednesday 15 September.

Kind Regards,
Tom Kendrew                     Rick Walters
Incursion Co-ordinator        Principal

Excursion Permission Form


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