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Year 6 Graduation Excursion


Dear Parents/Guardians,

To celebrate the end of primary schooling for our Year 6 students, a graduation excursion has been organised for those who have maintained ‘Good Standing’. The students and staff will be attending Hoyts, Grill’d and iPlay in Westfield Carousel Shopping Centre. Students and staff will be leaving school at 9:30am via bus to Hoyts. After the movie we will walk to Grill’d for lunch. Students will then walk to iPlay until returning to school at 3:00 pm via bus. Lunch will be provided, however they will need to bring their own recess and a water bottle.

Date: Monday 9 December 2023 [Week 10]

Time: 9:30am departure from Lathlain PS (Please arrive at the normal time for school.)

Return: 3:00pm arrival back at Lathlain PS

Cost: Free

Children will need:

  • To wear school uniform
  • To bring a drink bottle and morning tea or snack in a small bag or backpack (can bring school bag)

Feel free to call the school on 9224 9800 or see Mr Kendrew, Mr Vuckovic or Mrs Vodanovich if you have any questions regarding this excursion.

Kind regards

Thomas Kendrew, Nicholas Vuckovic, and Naomi Vodanovich

Please complete permission form below & return by Friday 29 November.

Permission Form:

Student Name(Required)
I agree to inform the organisers well before the scheduled excursion of any change to my child’s health and fitness so that appropriate supervision may be arranged. I acknowledge that, should it be considered necessary, school staff will arrange to present my child for medical assessment and treatment.
Parent/Carer Consent(Required)
I give permission for my child to receive medical treatment in case of emergency. I am aware that the school and its employees are not responsible for personal injuries or property damage that may occur during an excursion, unless the school or its employees are proven to be negligent. I am aware this bus is equipped with seatbelts.
Parent /Carer Name(Required)
Would you like to receive an email confirmation of your submission?(Required)
Clear Signature


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