Our students have an opportunity to engage in an energetic dance program during Term 3. This program fulfils the requirements of the WA Curriculum of The Arts for Dance for students. Below are the key components of the curriculum in which students will engage;
Exploration of, and experimentation with, two (2) elements of dance
to create dance sequences
The sessions are specialised and run by fully qualified Edu-Dance instructors. Each class has a 30min session once per week for 9 weeks. The total cost to students this year is $39. This will cover all of the nine sessions.
The final week of the program will conclude in a concert so students can display their talent to the school community. This year’s concert has been scheduled for Wednesday 11 September. Further details about this and our annual planned open night will occur throughout Term 3.
Lessons will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays throughout Term 3.
Please follow the link below to complete the permission form. Payment and permission are due by Thursday 27 June.