Music and Visual Arts at Lathlain Primary School
At Lathlain Primary School students have a hands-on approach to learning about the basics of music. Each student from Year 1 to 6 attend 1 music class per week.
Music has the capacity to engage, entertain, challenge, inspire and empower students. Studying music stimulates imaginative and innovative responses, critical thinking and aesthetic understanding, and encourages students to reach their creative and expressive potential.
Music exists distinctively in every culture and is a basic expression of human experience. Students’ active participation in music, individually and collaboratively, draws on their own traditions and life experiences. These experiences help them to appreciate and meaningfully engage with music practices and traditions of other times, places, cultures and contexts.
Students learn about the magic of music by singing, moving and learning to play beat and rhythms using percussion instruments. They learn to compose simple rhythms, lyrics and arrangements in a supportive collaborative way. New concepts are taught using the gradual release model which is common throughout the school.
Lathlain Primary School has a Junior Choir for students from year 2 and 3 and a Senior Choir for students in years 4 to 6.
Year 4 students sit Music Aptitude testing for entry into the Instrumental Music Schools Service (IMSS)program. Both clarinet and flute are offered at Lathlain Primary School.