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Taiko Drumming Years 1 – 6

May 9

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I am pleased to provide you with the following details regarding an upcoming incursion to be held at Lathlain Primary School. Your child will be able to participate in the following:

Incursion Activity: Taiko Drumming Immersion Performance
Date of Incursion: Friday 9th May 2025 Week 2, Term 2
Time of Incursion: Year 1-3 9:35am (60 mins)
Year 4-6 11:05am (60mins)
Excursion cost:  $5 Per child
Details of Incursion: As part of our Japanese Children’s Day festival, the students are invited to attend an immersive performance of synchronized Taiko drumming in a variety of styles, featuring dynamic movements, vocalisation and Japanese festival spirit.
Lisa Saito

Japanese Teacher/Incursion Co-ordinator

Please sign the permission form below and make payment by Friday 2 May.

Permission Form:

Student Name(Required)
I agree to inform the organisers well before the scheduled incursion of any change to my child’s health and fitness so that appropriate supervision may be arranged. I acknowledge that, should it be considered necessary, school staff will arrange to present my child for medical assessment and treatment.
Parent/Carer Consent(Required)
I give permission for my child to receive medical treatment in case of emergency. I am aware that the school and its employees are not responsible for personal injuries or property damage that may occur during an incursion, unless the school or its employees are proven to be negligent.
Parent /Carer Name(Required)
Would you like to receive an email confirmation of your submission?(Required)
Clear Signature


May 9
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